The Fast of Esther, 2024


As the Jewish holiday of Purim approaches, communities worldwide observe the Fast of Esther, a solemn day preceding the joyous festivities.

This fast holds deep significance, rooted in the biblical account of Queen Esther's bravery and courage. Let's delve into the history, customs, and spiritual significance of this sacred day.

Start/end times of Esther's Fast (March 21, 2024):

Start - 04:29
End - 6:22 p.m.

Tel Aviv:
Start - 04:31
End - 6:23 p.m.

The Story of Queen Esther

The Fast of Esther commemorates the actions of Queen Esther, a Jewish woman living in ancient Persia.

According to the biblical book of Esther, Esther risked her life by revealing her Jewish identity to King Ahasuerus to save her people from destruction. Her bravery and faith ultimately led to the salvation of the Jewish people from the wicked Haman's decree of annihilation.

Observing the Fast

The Fast of Esther is observed on the day preceding Purim, typically the 13th day of the Hebrew month of Adar.

It is a dawn-to-dusk fast, beginning at sunrise and concluding at nightfall. Although not as strict as other fast days, such as Yom Kippur, observant Jews abstain from food and drink during this period as a symbol of repentance, reflection, and solidarity.

Spiritual Significance

Beyond its historical context, the Fast of Esther carries spiritual significance for Jewish communities. It serves as a reminder of the power of prayer, faith, and courage in times of adversity.

The fast encourages introspection and repentance, prompting individuals to reflect on their actions and strive for spiritual growth. It also fosters unity and solidarity among Jewish people worldwide as they commemorate Esther's bravery and the miraculous salvation of their ancestors.

Customs and Traditions

In addition to fasting, various customs are associated with the Fast of Esther. Many communities gather for special prayers and readings from the book of Esther, known as the Megillah.

Some individuals also give charity, perform acts of kindness, and engage in additional prayers and Torah study throughout the day. As the fast concludes, families and communities come together to break their fast with a festive meal, eagerly anticipating the joyous celebrations of Purim.


The Fast of Esther serves as a poignant reminder of Queen Esther's courage and the miraculous salvation of the Jewish people.

As we observe this solemn day, may we draw inspiration from Esther's example and strive to emulate her faith, bravery, and selflessness in our own lives. May this day of fasting and reflection lead us to greater spiritual growth, unity, and solidarity as we prepare to celebrate the joyous holiday of Purim.

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